Reiki Overview Talk - Willoughby Public Library
Reiki (ray-kee) is a natural healing technique that uses a gentle laying on of hands or no touch. The Reiki giver applies a light touch or no touch, channeling energy to the recipient. The Reiki energy accelerates the recipient's own ability to heal physical
ailments and to harmonize the body mind and spirit.
Come and learn:
. How Reiki can be used for self-healing of mental, emotional and physical healing.
. How research is being done on using Reiki for cancer, psoriasis and eczema, prostate cancer, and other conditions.
. How Reiki is being used in area hospitals and Hospice.
. See how easy it is to learn to do Reiki for yourself, your loved ones and even on your pets and plants!
Sample Chair Reiki treatments directly after the talk to as many people as time permits.