Looking back over the past year I had an epiphany about why I like the New Year so much. In spite of the fact that I’m not a fan of the cold and that I have to lock my best friend (my motorcycle) up in the garage for 4months, still, I feel renewed and rejuvenated. I feel ready to dig in and redouble my efforts to learn and grow and to express more from spirit instead of from ego. In short, to be a better version of me.
What I realized is that in these cold months I become quieter and more thoughtful. I take more time for introspection, meditation and learning. I double down and work harder on my business but I also rest when my body and mind tell me that is what I need.
Then spring arrives! I rejoin the world. I get out in nature, see more of friends and family and take some trips. This is a time when anything seems possible. I am filled with the hope that something amazing could happen. A new best friend, some new interest that grabs me and excites my passion maybe even a new man to share my life with. It all seems possible as the world wakes up in the spring.
Summer brings, well summer!! I shine in the summer. I’m full of energy and am loving life. The Leo in me loves to feel the sun. Summer is followed by the beauty of fall in Ohio. Long walks in the woods and chilly rides on the motorcycle. Things are winding down.
As fall grows old and cold I start to feel let down. Another year gone and maybe that wonderful new something that would light up my life did not appear. Mind you, I am not ignorant to the fact that my life is blessed and if I just stay present wonderful things are happening all the time, just on a smaller scale.
However, this is how my mind goes along into early winter. I feel more and more let down and even a little resentful. This is not how I want to feel. We all go racing through the holidays good, bad or indifferent depending on your situation.
Then New Years day arrives! I am revitalized. I have a whole new year filled with 365 days of blank pages that I get to create my story on. I have new hope that maybe this year I will find the gift of staying present. I can learn this year to see all of the little experiences as amazing and all of the people I engage with as beautiful with something wonderful to offer. This is why I love this time of year so much!
May you find daily peace, unconditional love and a large serving of happiness in your life.