No Real Scary Stuff-Be Prepared - You may not have heard about this, but there is a new “Superbug” fungus that is resistant to anti-fungal prescriptions. I read about it first in Natural News. Barb Picciano, our Director of Clinical Education, forwarded me another article quoting the New York Times article. I’ve put the links to the articles below. Not only is this form of fungi drug resistant, it is very deadly with up to a 60% fatality rate! And hospitals and the CDC are making a conscious decision to keep it under wraps.
Or you can just Google candida auris.
If you work in a hospital, SNF, Hospice, school, or anyplace around a lot of people, please be careful.
To help combat this, we have formulated an antifungal roll-on and diffusing blend. We asked around the office for help in naming the new product, someone said Funginex, but that was already taken. Someone else suggested F-Bomb….ahhh no. So we are just calling it Anti-fungal roll-on and 5 ml Anti-fungal Diffusing Blend. Both are a blend of Cinnamon, Coriander, Spikenard, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass.